multi-stage masterplan. - rotorua central.
Planner: Tomlinson Consultants
Tomlinson Consultants provided initial planning advice for compliance with the Rotorua District Plan -
Designer: Tomlinson Consultants
Tomlinson Consultants prepared a outline plan (masterplan) and scheme plan for this development.
Client: Glenn Barry, Mark Ross, Penny Homes
Project Overview: A masterplan was required for a funding submission to Kainga Ora for a redevelopment of several sites in Rotorua Central. The outcome was to provide a transitional and emergency housing development, to be constructed for short term stays of up to three months.
Owing to the close proximity of the development to the Rotorua CBD, and the short duration each tenant was expected to reside in the accommodation, it was determined that each allotment could be reduced in size, to the minimum permissible under the Rotorua District Plan.
An objective of the development was also to provide connectivity of the development to the surrounding transportation network (amongst other urban design principles). A pedestrian between two major streets in the CBD would have resulted from the proposal, improving accessibility within the city.
A feasibility study, scheme plan and funding application were prepared by Tomlinson Consultants and submitted for approval. Private funding was secured for the proposal Unfortunately, due to the length of the approval process, the sites could not be secured from the vendor and were sold individually on the open market.