te wao nui a kaingaroa. - kaingaroa community centre.

  • Planner: Tomlinson Consultants

    A land use resource consent was prepared and submitted to Rotorua Lakes Council by Tomlinson Consultants for the proposed use of the building which was a non-complying activity in the zone. This included obtaining consent for office activities, community activities, and a medical centre.

  • Designer: Tomlinson Consultants

    Tomlinson Consultants prepared and submitted the commercial resource consent for this project to the Rotorua Lakes Council. This involved coordination with numerous other consultants including accessibility, fire, structural, geotechnical, acoustic, and seismic engineers.

  • Development Manager: Tomlinson Consultants

    Overall management of the development was handled by the team at Tomlinson Consultants, from conception to completion. Scoping, feasibility, and procurement was managed entirely on behalf of the Client using a first of its kind ‘indigenous procurement model’, developed in partnership with Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Māori Development, focusing on the social wellbeing and outcomes of the procurement process.

  • Project Manager: Tomlinson Consultants

    Project management has been handled by the team at Tomlinson Consultants. This has involved the preparation and management of timelines and budgets, and the management of health and safety and risks. It also involves the ‘day-to-day’ site management, including the procurement of materials, scheduling of inspections, site meetings and reporting, and troubleshooting of issues arising on site. A unique aspect of this job, has been the requirement to report on the social outcomes of the project, including jobs created, apprentices employed, Māori, Pasifika, and Women employed, and ratio of Māori owned businesses.

  • Structural Engineer: Micius Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants

    Seismic Engineer: KCL Engineering Services

    Geotechnical Engineer: BCD Group

    Civil Engineer: BCD Group

    Civil Inspections: Cheal Consultants

    Fire Engineer: BCD Group

    Acoustic Engineer: Hegley Acoustic Consultants

    Traffic Engineer: Traffic Planning Consultants

Client: Rotorua Lakes Council, Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Māori Development, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Overview: This project was part of the Crown Infrastructure Partners tranche of funding provided throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020. The project brief involved the construction of a purpose built facility for the use of the Kaingaroa Forest Village. The community itself had several dilapidated and run-down facilities which were being used to service the population of approximately 480 people.

A scoping exercise was undertaken in consultation with the community, in order to determine the most suitable location and configuration for the facility. It was determined that the most appropriate location was at the ‘Administration Building’, which was a 1200m² building that had previously been the headquarters for the National Forestry Service from the 1940’s to the late 1980’s. The building was in extremely poor condition, with several areas which were open to the weather due to a collapsed roof, smashed windows, and damaged cladding. The site was severely overgrown with vegetation which covered most of the building.

The first step undertaken in the process was to complete concept architectural designs in order to determine a basic layout. This allowed a tender to be let out for the partial demolition of the building. Tomlinson Consultants prepared a building consent for this and procured and managed the demolition contractor. Upon demolition, it was determined only part of the foundations of the original building could be retained for use for the reconstruction. At this time, a high level budget, project timeline and project plan was prepared.

From the outset, the project was subject to budgetary constraints due to the funding limitations under the Crown Infrastructure Projects framework. This was compounded throughout the project due to pressures from COVID-19 lockdowns/price escalations, supply chain disruptions, inflation, and fuel cost increases caused by the war in Ukraine.

Whilst demolition was taking place, the designs were further advanced, and a resource consent was prepared and submitted by Tomlinson Consultants for the proposed new uses of the building (being office activities, community activities, and a medical centre).

After resource consent was granted, the building consent for construction was completed, submitted and granted. Tomlinson Consultants then let out a public tender to obtain a competitive rate for contractors and construction materials for the project. Where possible, materials were pre-ordered and stored off-site in order to reduce cost escalations.

Throughout the construction phase, Tomlinson Consultants provided site management services, project management services and construction (design) supervision. This has involved reporting on project outcomes (MBIE requirement), budget, risks, timeline, health and safety, booking inspections, procurement and supply of materials, and troubleshooting any issues that arose on site.